How To Join

How To Join

The Canada Labour Code provides workers the right to change unions in the last three months of a three-year collective agreement, or if a collective agreement exceeds three years, in the last three months of the third year, plus the last three months of any following year(s). Because your collective agreement has a four-year duration, from April 1, 2018 until March 31, 2022, you have two “open periods,” the first of which is in effect now, from January 1 until March 31, 2021.

If 50 percent or more eligible employees, including those on temporary layoff due to COVID-19 and also those on leave of absence (sick leave, maternity/parental leave, etc.), sign a CLAC membership card and pay $5 in support of the membership card, CLAC can file an application to the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB—the federal labour board) on behalf of YOW screening officers to replace the United Steelworkers (USW) as your union.

Once the CIRB considers the application and determines in their investigation that it has been properly and fairly made, a secret ballot vote among employees will be ordered. If more than 50 percent of employees who vote do so in favour of CLAC, then CLAC will become your union.

To sign a membership card electronically and pay your $5 in support of your membership card, please click the Sign a Membership Card box on the left.